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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

OoO Went to sign contract yesterday *headache* so many things to do, so many things to sign and so many things to read! I took home a file full of papers!

Long time never meet up with them and *OH My GoD* I spent quite a bit on food and on ktv yesterday. Since it's once in a while it's ok but I don't think I can do that next month cos I'm gonna be broke next month till Aug then my pay comes. Chats went on and on and on.

Must set a goal after I start off again *save save save*!!!!!!!

5:00 PM

Monday, June 25, 2007

Just came back from Bintan yesterday. It was a tired but fun and enjoyable short trip. We spend our time at the beach, the swimming pool that is just 20 metres away from our room, the jacuzzi at our balcony and of cos our nights mahjonging with Baileys at the Angsana Suite. Feel like going back again!

We spend our 2nd day at the sea. My first time snorkelling in the middle of the sea, it was beautiful with colourful fishes, corals and reefs. Had difficulty breathing cos we could oni breathe thru our mouth and then the heavy rain came just in time to go back to the seaside again. No choice but to stay in our room for another 2 hours then went back to Jet Skiing. OooO was fun and of cos very fun and I play till too fierce that wenqi fell into the sea hahahahaha. I want to go Jet Skiing again!

Next was Banana Boat with (according to the professional) biggest size last of cos wenqi last hahahaha. then the first capsize. Weird everybody fell but the last one didn't fall maybe he was too heavy to fall into the sea. The next capsize was a fierce one, everybody fell and somebody hit me on my face! Must be Spencer !

We didn't rest and continued with ATV. The instructor was the same person who brought us to snorkelling and he's very nice he brought us to the long journey ATV ride take photo for us and brought us to his friend's house to drink coconut, a super big and heavy coconut. It suppose to be 30 mins tour but he broguht us for the 1 h 30 mins tour! I think I cannot control the thing well but somebody made himself dirty cos he purposely went on a different route with us which is going thru the super muddy place. Lucky for Spencer he didn't go close to Wenqi otherwise his face will be full of mud hahaha.

Then Mahjong and chiong finish the Baileys. Super tired and shag! Next day we checked out and went for Go-Kart. Quite expensive but we wanted to experience it. I think me and jiahui were scared of crashing that is why spencer and wenqi lapped us many many times. After that we went pasar Oleh Oleh but there is nothing there to see or buy. So the driver drove us back to hotel.

Jiahui and I wanted to go Spa but fully booked in the end we decided to change into swimming costumes and dip into the cooling swimming pool till the bus comes at 630pm to go to the factory outlet just beside the Ferry terminal.

We really had lots of fun, jokes, lame stuff and laughters for the 3 whole days. I can't stop laughing at the Laughing Red Spencer at the Mahjong table opposite me hahaha. Hope we will have another trip like this end of the year!

4:28 PM

Friday, May 25, 2007

I'm going for Holidays soon! yeah no work for 1 week! Talking about work. HAIZ!

I got short-listed I hope they want me though I don't know if I will like it but sherine sounds happy working there. I hope to be one of them cos it sounds not bad working for them and alot of people told me to go ahead cos it's a big company that is worth working for. Well, maybe I will like it? I'm quite sure I will learn even more.

I'm leaving for HKG(again) tmr early morning hope everything goes well. So many things to prepare I hope i don't miss out anything.

5:09 PM

Monday, May 14, 2007

Sad to hear that 2 Singaporeans died in the jet crash at taiwan. 1 just celebrated his birthday 2 days before the accident and the other was about to celebrate on the 23 May. Both went to taiwan for only a week. Another 2 are in critical conditions, suffered more than 40% burns. Let's pray for them.

My deep sympathy and sorrows goes out to those who were involved in the crash.

Life is really unpredictable, we won't know what will happen to us anytime at anywhere. They did not do anything wrong. They died and injured because of others mistake.

I put myself in their shoes, my heart cries out for them.

9:58 AM

Monday, March 19, 2007

Finally got confirmed for my job already. So far still ok hope I can stay here for long.

Some people knows how to say that 'U got father, mother, I also have' so it means that "U've got feelings, I don't have?" But when they speak they speak so though they have parents but I don't have. Only know how to criticize others but not opening eyes wide enough to look at oneself, no wonder this kind of people gets all kinds of critics. In other words, retribution. I may not be a good person when these thoughts run through my mind but at least I didn't criticize him which I can choose to do so.

Always remember look at yourself before U speak of others especially people who are down in everyway be it money, frenship, relationship, career, thinking or whatever. I may not be perfect or not even good or acceptable but at least I'm surviving in almost everyway. I don't criticize others in front of everyone else unless he's really that bad. It may be a joke but some may take it seriously so one has to be careful with words and situation if he/she meant to joke about it.

So what if I can't take critics at least I know what critics I should take what I should not. I take critics as a lesson learnt or perhaps change to be a better person but wether or not I take it silently if the critic is so true about me.

Immatures will not only critcize but also make fun of people, make them feel demoralised. Well it's ok to make fun of people but there's a limit to everything. These immatures are people who complaint that "U have feelings, I don't have?" Seriously are these people humans? U want pride, people don't need any pride?

Those who read this blog may think all these are rubbish. Think again, look at yourself.

1:43 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Been so tired recently. Can't wake up almost every morning. shopping with my mum and qi for their clothings I bought one top on mon and another on tues.really last minute. yeah! CNY coming. not much mood but looking forward to the holidays, long holiday! Yeah Fri release early 3pm can go back already. This holiday gonna pass really fast.

1:41 PM

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I went to watch the soccer match ytd. As crowded as on Saturday.this time the spectators were more 'on' than on Sat, more like a routine to them. this is the first time I watch a inter-national match where one team refuse to accept refree's decision and ask for a stop like about 10-15mins. So stupid, there's no sportsmanship at all.

I've been getting back home late everyday didn't get enough rest. Every morning so tired don't feel like going to work.I was rather late today but lucky I saw my manager haha. I always take a bus but he walks so in the end we walk to office haha at least he knows I'm late.

Coming Sat got to take my FTT but not yet study.Hope can pass if not must take and take again.

1:31 PM






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